Manual therapy also known as manipulative therapy is a specialised form of physiotherapy. Manual therapy is a specific and skilled hands on treatment in which physiotherapist put pressure to mobilize muscles and soft tissues and to manipulate joints of the body in a specific direction with different speed and force to improve tissue extensibility, reduce swelling and inflammation decrease pain and to increase circulation etc. Manual therapy also stimulates the brain to release the Endorphins- body’s natural pain killers. Manual therapy also influences or increase the efficiency of musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, respiratory and lymphatic system.Manual therapy technique typically includes the three types of movements.

Soft tissue mobilization

  • Apply pressure on the soft tissues of the body including muscles, ligaments and tendons. This pressure helps to release muscles, breakdown the scar tissue adhesion and relieve pain and increase circulation.

Joint mobilization

  • Specific sustained or small oscillation/ gliding movement applied to the affected joint helps to decrease pain and improve joint function and mobility.

Joint manipulation

  • It is also known as thrust manipulation applied when the mobilization is no longer affected.

Manual therapy can produce many important physiological effects on the body. The physiological effects of the manual therapy include:

  • Release tense muscles
  • Improve tissue extensibility
  • Increase joint range of mobility
  • Reduce swelling &inflammation
  • Improve movements
  • Decreasepain, increase circulation and lymphatic drainage system.

Techniques used in manual therapy

  • Myofascial release (MFR)
  • Strain counter strain
  • Muscle energy technique (MET)
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Mobilisation and manipulation etc

Kalpanjali physiotherapy centre in Gurgaon with and internationally trained manual therapist who have treated more than thousands of patients provide specialised and integrated treatment to each and every patient. Now it is very much possible to get manual therapy treatment at KALPANJALI