Soft tissue injuries commonly occurs during sports and repeated stressful activities. sometimes daily activity like over stretch, sudden twist,wrong posture and direct blow on the muscle can cause soft tissue injuries.Most commonly injured soft tissue structures are muscles, ligaments and tendons.


  • Acute injuries occurs by the sudden trauma, like fall, twist and direct blow to the body. the most common acute injuries are,
  • Sprain sprain is a over stretch or tear of the ligament.
  • Grade 1 slight stretch or some fibers damage of the ligaments
  • Grade 3 complete tear of the fibers of the ligament causes instability of the joint.


Commonly occurs in muscles and tendons. strain may be complete or partial depends on the severity of
the stretch.


Occurs due to direct blow or repeated blow which injured the muscle fibers and connective tissues
without breaking the skin.

Overuse/ Chronic injuries

Occurs due to repeated stressful activity over a long period of time and the area of the body do not
have enough time to heal. most common overuse injuries are-


It is a overuse soft tissues injuries develops gradually by the repeated stressful activity over a
period of time. it is a inflammation of the tendon.


Inflation of the bursa. bursa are small jelly like structure which contain a small amount of the fluid acting as a cushion between bones and soft tissue to minimize the friction , pain and swelling.

  • Sign and symptoms
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Skin discoloration
  • Bruising
  • Muscle spasm
  • Muscle weakness
  • Cramping
  • Inflammation


Physiotherapy is a non invasive and pain free treatment for the all kind of the soft tissue injuries. kalpanjali physiotherapy center provides the quality treatment which is integrated and tailor maid for each and every individuals according to their problems. treatment at kalpanjali physiotherapy center includes electrotherapy, hot/ cold therapy, exercise therapy, advance manipulative therapy, specialized soft tissue release technique( MFR), postural balance along with lymphatic drain activation technique.

Physiotherapist at kalpanjali physiotherapy center are internationally trained and have treated more than thousands of patients with more than 10 years of experience.

What to do immediate after injury

Follow the RICE which stands for

R : rest- key component of repairing of the injured part

I : ice pack- excellent in reducing inflammation

C : compression- to reduce the Edematous swelling and to immobilize the affected part.

E : elevation- aims to reduce swelling by increasing venous returns of blood to the systemic